Popular Libraries
It is because of open source projects that we are able to create more abitious web applications. This document is meant to be a collection of libraries that you can use to help you implement a PWA or convert your existing web app to a PWA.
Title | Author | Description |
Workbox | Javascript Library for building progressive web apps | |
sw-precache | A node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources | |
sw-toolbox | A runtime caching library | |
platinum-sw-register | Polymer | handles service worker registration for Polymer applications |
offline-plugin | Nekr | Offline plugin (ServiceWorker, AppCache) for webpack (http://webpack.github.io/) |
serviceworkerware | fxos | An Express-like layer on top of ServiceWorkers to provide a way to easily plug functionality |
msgr | sdgluck | Nifty service worker/client message utility |
UpUp | TalAter | Makes sure your users can always access your site's content, even when they're on a plane, in an elevator, or 20,000 leagues under the sea |
fetch-sync | sdgluck | Proxy Fetch requests through the Background Sync API |
FetchManifest | cvan | Fetch a parsed manifest from a manifest or site URL (online service) |
fetch-manifest-json | hemanth | Fetch the mainfest.json from an URL. |
PWAify | vladikoff | CLI tool to convert your PWA into a cross-platform desktop app. |
Manifest Generator | brucelawson | This simple page will generate the manifest file for you. |
sw-delta | gmetais | An incremental cache for the web. |
DSW | naschq | Generate your Service Worker dynamically, webmanifest, rules for requests, redirects, etc. |
sw-precache-webpack-plugin | goldhand | SW Precache Webpack Plugin |
serviceworker-webpack-plugin | oliviertassinari | Simplifies creation of a service worker to serve your webpack bundles. |
serviceworker-rails | rossta | Plugin to integrate Service Worker with the Rails asset pipeline. |